How to get STARTED if you have
NO list, NO Website, NO Audience and NO Offer

A 5-Part Letter Series to You… (Letter 2)

Hey Friend! *story time!

But first off if you haven’t caught up on part 1 of this series, please do so here…


So, in 2016 I finally decided to start my online business using Instagram. 

I was working a full time 9 to 5 marketing consulting job with a German agency, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) and felt the need to kickoff a side hustle, helping online businesses get better with their marketing game.

So I started creating content on Instagram… in my free time… without a plan.

This was my first MISTAKE.


Because I was starting out with no clear focus… no direction… no clear cut goal. I was simply just creating content.

Then I sold my first online course on Marketing and was lucky to make a little over $1,000. 

Hmmm… Not bad!

But after that, crickets! 

No sustainable plan… no defined strategy… just me moving with the wind.

But you see, I didn’t mind because my job was paying me well (I’d gotten another high paying job consulting for a UK DFID-funded program by this time).

…Until April 2019, when my team leader called me into the meeting room to tell me my services were no longer needed. 

Woah! Just like that, my hopes shattered. 

“How would I pay my rent? How would I take care of my mum?”

I wasn’t prepared, and worse, I had nothing to fall back on…

That’s when I realized I had to take my online business more seriously.

So, here was my saving grace… 

3 weeks before I was laid off, I had launched a free book to teach people how to write their first eBook.

This decision eventually saved me. Because from launching a free book, I was able to:

–  Establish authority online as a digital products expert

–  Attract and build a more niche audience

–  Create an eBook group coaching program (that still pays me till date)

–  And offer more products and programs to help my audience, such that they easily became them repeat buyers.

So, why did I share this with you? 

Because I want you to identify my mistakes, so you won’t have to take as long as I did to get results after you start.

And to bring this back to you i.e. helping you get started, I compiled a 7-STEP-PLAN I would follow if I were you right now, eager, willing and ready to learn how to get started, even with NO list, NO Audience, NO website and NO offers.

Here are the 7 steps:

STEP 1: I would think through my business idea to clearly identify and document the problem I’m looking to solve; who it’s for; how to attract the people it’s for; and how to package and deliver my solution(s) to them.

STEP 2: I would set up an online platform for my brand, optimize visibility, and start demonstrating value.

STEP 3: I would establish authority and continually build an audience of people who know, like and trust me

STEP 4: I would show up consistently, connect with my audience and understand their challenges and burning desires

STEP 5: I would create products that can help them solve these challenges and take them from where they are to where they want to be

STEP 6: I would get help where necessary so I can always offer my audience the best results they deserve.

STEP 7: I would repeat steps 3 to 6 consistently 

That’s it! 7 strategic steps I would take if I were you, right now.

And NO I’m not about to leave you to figure all this out on your own…

From the next letter, I’ll be breaking down

From my next letter, I have broken down each of these steps for you, and shared tools you can use to make the entire process much easier.
You can proceed to letter 3 here
And please feel free to write at me if you have any questions… 
I’m here for you.



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