How to get STARTED if you have
NO list, NO Website, NO Audience and NO Offer

A 5-Part Letter Series to You… (Letter 3)


It’s my 3rd letter to you as part of this series. Yay!!! 

If you missed previous letters, please read them first before this for better context.
Now let’s get right into the details…
HOW: Think through your business idea to clearly identify and document the problem you’re looking to solve; who it’s for; how to attract the people it’s for; and how to package and deliver your solution to them.
Simply put, you need a profitable idea that can be turned into a solution or offer and sold to people who desperately want it and are willing and able to pay you for it (the image below above depicts this)…
So, let’s think of it this way…
Lots of people exist online, with similar challenges, pains and interests…
·  People who want to save their marriages from collapse.
·  People who want to meet and marry the man of their dreams.
·  People interested in getting ahead in their career.
·  People interested in losing weight.
·  People dealing with back pain, and we could go on and on…
You would observe that the people in each of the above have something in common that they are interested in. 
And that is where the journey begins for you…
Your profitable idea should be drawn from a particular challenge, pain or interest that a particular group of people have.
…And that particular group of people is what we call a ‘niche’ otherwise known as a target market’.
So here are some action points for you:

1).  Come up with a profitable idea (a problem you can solve that people desperately want)

2).  Identify the people who are dealing with this problem (their frustrations and pains)

3).  Think about the different ways you can help them solve this problem

4).  Think about the social platforms they hang out online
And then what happens after these? We move on to the next step…


HOW: Set up an online platform for your brand, optimize visibility, and start demonstrating value.

That’s right!

Now that you’ve identified where your target market hangs out online let’s continue with the action points…

5).  Pick ONE of the platforms you identified (yes, pick one for now, then expand from there).

6).  Create an account on it.

7).  Set up a profile or bio that clearly communicates your solution in a simple, concise way.

8).  Start creating valuable content to attract your ideal clients to your page (content is the major attraction tool on social  media, so use it to your advantage).

9).  Show up consistently and deliver value

Now, if you’re wondering where to start with your profitable idea…

How to map it all out clearly in one document…
How to identify your profitable idea…
How to identify the people who want it…
How to come up with the solutions for help them…
How to create an ‘I help statement’ for your profile that will clearly communicate your solution…
Not to worry…
I put together this DIY workbook that will help you identify your profitable idea, define your target audience, craft your irresistible offer, and fine-tune your ‘I HELP STATEMENT’ in a simple, and compelling way.
And you can get it right now for just $9.99 (instead of its usual price of $29).

This workbook has helped my students gain clarity with starting their online businesses with a clear focus, and I have no doubt it will help you tremendously. 

Get it now for $9.99 and let’s catch up in letter 4.
Talk soon,

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