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How To Create A Premium Offer And Attract High Paying Clients to Your Coaching or Consulting Business...

Even without having a website, email list or a massive audience!

From: Amba Eyang-Ajakaiye
Digital Strategist, Business Coach & Author @idarenotdread

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STEP 4: Don’t focus on Tech or other complexities, but on a simple delivery process and results

I know you weren’t expecting to hear this. Lol!

Well, take it from someone who is quite techy and builds funnels, websites, learning management systems, automated workflows, and more!

[Yea! I’m great with tech.]

But you wanna know the unfiltered truth?

These sophisticated funnels and tech systems are not prerequisites for selling premium offers.

That’s because your clients don’t care!

They don’t care about your fancy funnel…or your sophisticated tech systems.

All they care about is RESULTS!

So, focus more on helping them achieve results, than all the other things that do not necessary help their direct situation.

These are the basic tech setup that should matter first before anything else: 

1). A payment platform where they can make payment for service (e.g. Stripe or PayPal)

2). A scheduling platform to schedule meetings/sessions with you. (e.g. Calendly)

3). A video conference platform to meet virtually with you and/or your team (e.g. Zoom). 

Every other thing that requires an extensive process, or weeks to setup, or back and forth calls with the web designer or sales funnel expert can wait until when you’re ready to scale.

But for now, FOCUS on these FUNDAMENTALS:

1. Your promised solution (offer promise)

2. Your messaging and articulation of value 

3. Your delivery process 

4. Your clients’ results.

After you’ve mastered these, and your business is profitable, then you can proceed to systemize and scale your business using sophisticated tech.


Let me tell you about one of my clients who is a Performance Coach for Entrepreneurs and Leaders…

We’ll call her Client O.

At our first coaching meeting together, Client O told me how she had just invested thousand of dollars to have her website created and funnels set up.

But she needed to begin coaching with me, so she would know exactly how to guide them in setting it up right.

Well, I told her this…

“Tell your website team to PAUSE for now… until further notice.”

And she obliged.

Then we got to work, implementing the fundamentals that mattered!

Not long after, Client O signed up her first premium client. 

She was ecstatic! 

And from that point she has signed up more clients to her offer, making over $20k in a month.

See our chat screenshots below…

Do you see why I said tech can wait?

Now if you already have a website, or a team who handles all of your tech setup, that’s okay.

I just need you to know that these aren’t the things that make a client invest premium.

Focus on the fundamentals first and you’ll achieve results with or without sophisticated tech.

Now, let’s wrap this up with the final step…



STEP 5: Find people who are succeeding on this path and model them

That’s right!

You can either choose to:

– DIY and take much longer figuring all of this out

– Keep selling information offers and not full transformation (surgery)

– Keep earning minimal income in spite of your wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience

– Keep working twice as hard

– Keeping hoping things dramatically change someday in your coaching business…


– You get the help and guidance you need now and collapse time

– You start attracting clients who pay more, are self-led and commit to the process to achieve results

– You get paid what you truly desire and deserve

– You achieve more by doing less

– You level up and position yourself higher in your niche/industry

– You WIN, grow your business, live the life you want, travel, have peace of mind, etc.


I can help you.

You know my story…

You’ve seen my results…

You know this isn’t fluff…

You know you don’t want to do all this on your own.

I invite you to work with me.

But first, let’s get on a paid 90 mins private session together to:

1).  Assess your offer structure and positioning and point out the gaps you’re most likely missing in your coaching business that’s preventing you from attracting the clients who pay premium…

2).  Identify the BIG problem you can solve for this client and how your offer can address this in a BIG way.

3).  Map out the type of messaging you will use to attract these clients easily

4).  Draw up a personalized step-by-step action plan for you to implement going forward.

5). And if you choose to have me hold you by the hand to walk the entire 9 yards with you, and support you extensively through private or group coaching, we can talk about it and step things up.

[NOTE: If you decide to proceed on your own after the session, you’ll still get a clear roadmap you can implement for yourself. It’s a WIN for you either way].
Now, if you want this, simply click any of the payment buttons below to book and schedule your private session right away.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy the rest of your day (or night).


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