The popular saying goes… Everyone is NOT your customer.
…And the moment you realize this, you’ll know what to say to attract the ones who are and most especially, repel the ones who aren’t.
I recall years ago when I first heard the word ‘Customer Avatar’… It sounded so mechanic… (it still is sometimes, depending on who is explaining it).
This person went on to explain an avatar as a clear description of your customer, so you could use it for ads.
That’s it?
Just for ads?
Ok then… and that’s how the research began! I started studying Facebook ads interest targeting and how best to use it to match my ideal client.
Oh boy! Was I in for a ride?
Why? Because I focused on the wrong side of things…the wrong rationale for which I was identifying my customer.
And I’ll explain… but first off…
Facebook ads interest targeting are great tools for advertising, and will bring you the best results IF you know exactly how to communicate with the people you identify as your ideal clients.*Emphasis on the word ‘communicate’.
And you see, this is the mistake most of us coaches make…
We get our targeting right but… we get our messaging wrong.
Drawing up the avatar helped me identify them, Facebook ads helped me target them, but I missed the most crucial element… the communication (or messaging) – what exactly to say when they come into my world, how to nurture them and speak to their desires, how to get them to stay and not move on after the initial contact.
I was just bent on FINDING THEM… using the avatar.
You see, times will come when you’d have to take a step back and reflect on the things you do or say as a coach…
Unlearn some things that seem to have stuck…
Study your clients for yourself and not by some set of metrics…
Knowing what makes them tick so you can attract them with those exact things…
That’s when this avatar thing truly makes sense…
So, don’t just master the ads targeting…
Master the messaging…
Master the connection…
Master the relationships…
And if you get these parts right, you would be able to amplify the results of your targeting… or better still, attract them easier, even without ads.
Want help finetuning your messaging, offer or even content? Send me an email via info@idarenotdread.com to book an audit and strategy call.
To your business growth,